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Posts by category
- Category: African History
- Ancient Africa Teaching Resources
- Nelson Mandela – The End of Apartheid in South Africa
- Apartheid
- The Boers and the Boer Wars
- Liberia
- The African Missionaries – David Livingstone
- Maafa – Colonialiam – Imperialism
- Prince Henry the Navigator
- The Zimbabwe Ruins
- Aksum (or Axum)
- Timbuktu
- Mansa Musa
- Sundiata
- Ghana – Wagadu
- Trade in Ancient West Africa
- The Phoenicians and Carthage
- The Nok
- African History: A Great Oral Tradition
- Category: America Before Columbus
- Category: Ancient Egypt
- Category: Ancient Greece
- Ancient Greece Teaching Resources
- Alexander the Great and Hellenism
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Socrates – An Introduction to Greek Philosophy
- The Peloponnesian War
- Athens and Democracy
- Ancient Sparta
- Persia and the Battle of Marathon
- The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer
- The Early Greeks – The Greek Dark Age
- Ancient Greek Mythology
- The Ancient Greek Poli
- The Cradle of Western Civilization
- Category: Ancient Rome
- Ancient Rome Teaching Resources
- The Birth of Christianity
- Constantine and the Fall of Rome
- Latin and Other European Languages
- Roman Technology
- The Roman Empire After Caesar Augustus
- Caesar Augustus
- Caesar, Cleopatra, and Marc Antony
- Julius Caesar
- Spartacus and the Roman Slave Revolt
- The Punic Wars – Rome Becomes a World Power
- Patricians and Plebeians
- Ancient Rome — A New Power Rises
- Category: Caribbean
- Caribbean Teaching Resources
- Haiti
- The Elián González Affair
- Fidel Castro
- Cuba Gains Independence
- The Rastafarians – Marcus Garvey
- The Caribbean Folk Religions
- Piracy in the Caribbean – Privateers and Buccaneers
- Slavery in the Caribbean
- The Indentured Servants of the Caribbean
- The Caribbean Islands
- The Caribbean: A New World
- Category: Chinese History
- Chinese History Teaching Resources
- The Travels of Marco Polo Copy
- The Travels of Marco Polo Copy
- The Travels of Marco Polo
- The Silk Road
- The Great Wall of China – an introduction
- Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan
- The Legalists of Ancient China
- Taoism – an introduction
- Confucius – an introduction
- Chinese History
- Category: India and The Himalayas
- India and the Himalayas Teaching Resources
- Mohandas Gandhi: India’s Great Soul
- India Since Independence
- The Europeans in India
- Muslims in India
- Ashoka and the Mauryan Empire
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- The Caste System of Ancient India
- The Aryans and the Vedic Age
- Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
- Monsoons
- The Indian Subcontinent
- Category: Mesopotamia
- Mesopotamia Teaching Resources
- The Hebrews
- The Assyrians
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- Hammurabi’s Code – An Eye For An Eye
- The Sumerians
- From Nomads to Farmers
- Writing and the Development of Civilization
- Civilizations and Water – Waterfront Living
- Numbering Years – Calendars
- Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- A Definition of Civilization
- Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent
- Category: Middle Ages
- The Middle Ages Teaching Resources
- The Black Death – The Great Plague
- The Magna Carta
- The Normans
- The Vikings
- Primogeniture in the Middle Ages
- Feudalism in the Middle Ages
- Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire
- The Franks – The Long Haired Merovingian kings
- The Moors
- The Rise of Islam
- The Byzantine Empire and the Crusades
- The Barbarians of the Middle Ages
- The Huns
- Christendom in the Middle Ages
- The Middle Ages: Between Ancient and Modern
- Category: Middle East and North Africa
- Middle East and North Africa Teaching Resources
- The Americanization of the World
- Afghanistan
- Modern Israel
- The War on Terror
- Saddam Hussein and Iraq
- The Iranian Revolution – The Shah and the Ayatollahs
- Shariah Law – An Introduction
- Gamal Abdel Nasser and Arab Unity
- The Kurds and Kurdistan
- Kemal Atatürk and the Modernization of Turkey
- The Armenian Massacres
- The Ottoman Empire
- September 11, 2001
- The Aswan Dam
- The Suez Canal
- The Dead Sea
- Petroleum Oil
- The Bedouins
- Deserts
- The Arabs
- The Middle East and North Africa: Many Things in Common
- Category: Prehistory
- Category: Renaissance
- Renaissance Teaching Resources
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Europeans Explore the World
- Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Renaissance Spreads
- Renaissance Art – an Introduction
- Social Classes of the Renaissance
- The House of Medici
- City-States of the Italian Renaissance
- Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press
- Humanism
- The Renaissance – Dawn of a New Age
- Category: Time and Space
- Time and Space Teaching Resources
- The Six Essential Elements of Geography
- Map Projections
- Calendars and Years
- Measuring Time – A History of Time
- Daylight Saving Time
- Time and Time Zones
- Seasons
- The Fourth Dimension – Change Over Time
- Longitude and Latitude
- Galileo’s Discovery
- Nicolaus Copernicus and the Heliocentric Universe
- Aristotle’s Conclusion
- A Look at the Stars – A Personal Journey Through Time and Space
- Category: Western Religions
- Category: World Wars
- The World Wars Teaching Resources
- Postwar – The Superpowers Emerge
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki – The Atomic Bomb
- The Manhattan Project – Robert Oppenheimer
- America in World War II
- The Empire of the Rising Sun – Japan in World War II
- Germany Attempts to Dominate Europe
- The Holocaust
- The Rise of Hitler
- Social Darwinism and Eugenics
- Allied Victory in World War I
- Russia Leaves World War I
- The Doughboys in World War I
- America Enters World War I
- New Opportunities for African Americans in World War I
- The Ottoman Empire Joins the Great War
- World War I: The Great War
- Alliances Lead a Great War
- A Powder Keg in Europe
- The World Wars: A Terrifying Legacy
Section Category
- Mesopotamia
- Interactive Test on Ancient China
- The Electronic Passport to Rome
- Interactive Quiz on Ancient Greece
- India and the Himalayas
- America Before Columbus
- Mr. Dowling Quiz on the World Wars
- Mr. Dowling’s Interactive Quiz on the Middle East & North Africa
- The Electronic Passport to the Caribbean
- `Interactive Quiz on Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Africa
- The Electronic Passport to the Renaissance